Chilled Education
Chilled Education (CEd) was launched in September 2011 by the Chilled Food Association which represents manufacturers of chilled prepared foods in the UK. CEd’s aim is to inspire the next generation of chilled food scientists. Working with industry and education specialists it raises awareness of careers in the chilled food industry amongst teachers and schoolchildren and supports food science students. Whether you’re a student, teacher or already in the industry the CEd site has something for you, including information on chilled careers, FREE bespoke teaching resources and information on the UK chilled food manufacturing industry.
Food Teachers Centre
The Food Teachers Centre is a place of:- creative and innovative ideas and action
- practical solutions
- learning and sharing
Our Funders
Food Bug Club has been developed by The University on Manchester using an Impact Accelerator Award from the ESRC. Additional funding to continue the development of the Club has been received from All Saints Educational Trust www.aset.org.uk